JAAS Journal: AZIYA KENKYU (Asian Studies)
Aziya Kenkyu, also known as Asian Studies, is a social science journal founded in 1954 by the Japan Association for Asian Studies (JAAS). Its articles are delivered first in PDF format based on the early publication system, and printed on paper for distribution twice a year after 2025.
- Vol.1, No.1 (1954)–Latest Issue
Full contents available in PDF format at J-STAGE
Submission Instructions for English Writers
Although most of Aziya Kenkyu’s articles are published in Japanese, they also accept English manuscripts. Papers analyzing Asian politics, economics, and societies using theoretical and empirical methodologies, will be considered.
The word count for each type of manuscript is as follows:
Full paper: 9000-12000 words
Research note: 6000-12000 words
Book review article (on several books): 6000-9000 words
Book review (on one book): 1200-3000 words
Numbers above are inclusive of notes, tables, graphs, and references. Please allow 200 words for each table or graph.
Before submission, please consider the following points.
- The first author must be a member of the JAAS. If you are considering editing a “special issue” consisting of a group of authors, please refer to the relevant information in the Japanese version of this website and contact the editor. Non-member authors may be invited to contribute to a “special issue” under certain conditions.
- The journal follows the Chicago author-date style for citations.
- The manuscript, if written by a non-native English writer, must be checked by a native English speaker before submission.
- In most cases, the reviewers’ comments can only be returned in Japanese.
- Author Guidelines (in Japanese)
Submission Procedure
- The manuscript should be submitted along with an abstract of less than 600 words. It must also comprise “author’s information,” including: (1) author(s) name(s), (2) Affiliation, (3) Position, (4) JAAS membership (Yes/No), (5) Paper title, (6) Corresponding e-mail address, and (7) Mailing address to receive the printed copy. If an article is written by a team, all member information must be provided.
- Mail the submission to “aziyakenkyu_toko<at>yahoo.co.jp”. Please change “<at>” to “@” in the e-mail address and indicate “paper submission to Asian Studies” in the subject line. If you do not receive any response within one week, please send a reminder to the same address.