2024 JAAS Autumn Convention Program

October 5, 2024
10:00-12:00 Individual Papers 1-3

Individual Papers 1. Politics of China

Chair: Kazuyuki Suwa (Shizuoka Prefectural University)

Presentation 1: Hiroko Naito (Institute of Developing Economies)
“Is Xi Jinping’s Authority over the Political Elite Growing?: Focusing on the Judicial Process of High-ranking Officials’ Corruption Cases”

Presentation 2: Yongjun Ding (Graduate School, Hitotsubashi University)
“The Relationship between China Local Courts and the Government in the Transition of the Personnel System”

Discussant: Shinya Kadozaki (Kazankai), Yasushi Isobe (Keio University)

Individual Papers 2. Japan in Asia

Chair: Shin Kawashima (University of Tokyo)

Presentation 1: Muyun Wang (University of Tokyo)
“Possibilities and Challenges of Decentralizing in Japan’s Development Studies: A Critical Examination of Academic Dependency Theory”

Presentation 2: Tianning Huang (Graduate School, Keio University)
“Tomi Kora and Sino-Japanese Relations ― ― From the Moscow International Economic Conference to the Beijing Agreement”

Presentation 3: Shyam Kumar Karki (Societas Research Institute)
“Determinants of Migrant Worker Inflows: An Analysis of Pull Factors in Japan” (Presentation Language: English)

Discussant: Tatsufumi Yamagata (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University), Toyomi Asano (Waseda University), Tomohiro Machikita (Kyoto University)

Individual Papers 3. International Relations of China and Southeast Asia

Chair: Mie Oba (Kanagawa University)

Presentation 1: Yuma Osaki (Doshisha University)
“ASEAN’s Free Trade Dilemma: Analyzing the Institutionalization and Implementation Gap”

Presentation 2: Jaoyuan Wu (Graduate School, Kyushu University)
“Xi Jinping Regime’s military strategy: Focusing on the global expansion of the People’s Liberation Army through UN peacekeeping operations”

Discussant: Seiya Sukegawa (Kokushikan University), Masaaki Yatsuzuka (National Institute for Defense Studies)

12:00-13:00 Lunch break

13:00-15:00 Individual Papers 4-6 / Special Round Table
Individual Papers 4: Development and Economic Growth

Chair: Yuri Sato (Japan Foundation)

Presentation 1: Shunji Karikomi (Teikyo University)
“Is Malaysia Experiencing Premature De-industrialization?”

Presentation 2: Chikashi Kishimoto (Asian Growth Research Institute)
“The Construction of Startup Ecosystem of National Taiwan University”

Presentation 3: Xiangyu Li (Doshisha University)
“Inter-industry Networks and the Transformation of Economic Growth Patterns in Shanxi Province, China”

Discussant: Satoru Kumagai (Institute of Developing Economies), Yukihito Sato (Institute of Developing Economies), Yoshihiro Hashiguchi (Institute of Developing Economies)

Individual Papers 5: Diplomacy and External Perceptions of Japan

Chair: Naoko Eto (Gakushuin University)

Presentation 1: Hiromasa Nakagawa (Graduate School, Aoyama Gakuin University)
“Japan-US Economic Security Cooperation against Chinese Economic Coercion towards Japan:From the Perspective of Building Supply Chains for Critical Minerals”

Presentation 2: Tao Xu (Chikushi Jogakuen University)
“Japan’s Perception of China in the 21st Century – Based on Discussions from Foreign Policy and Security Think Tanks”

Presentation 3: Yilin Aileen Lu (Graduate School, Peking University) and Guangtao Wang (Fudan University)
“Leadership Without Capability? Japan and the International Digital Trade Rule-making under the Perspective of Structural Power” (Presentation Language: English)

Discussant: Naoko Eto (Gakushuin University), Masafumi Iida (National Institute for Defense Studies), Yuma Osaki (Doshisha University)

Individual Papers 6: Politics and Society of Southeast Asia

Chair: Mako Yoshimura (Hosei University)

Presentation 1: Keiko Tsuji Tamura (University of Kitakyushu)
“20 Years of the Lee Hsien Loong Administration in Singapore: How has the authoritarian regime changed?”

Presentation 2: Nguyen Viet Tiep (Graduate School, University of Tokyo)
“Analysis of Informal Workers in Vietnam: A Perspective on Inclusion into Social Security System”

Presentation 3: Indah Jamiatun Hasanah (Graduate School, Yamaguchi University)
“A Cross-sectional Study: Determinant of Health Seeking Behavior a Noncommunicable disease in two communities Rural and Urban areas, Java Island, Indonesia” (Presentation Language: English)

Discussant: Taisei Itaya (Hiroshima City University), Tatsuya Niimi (Nagoya Gakuin University), Masako Yamada (Kobe City College of Nursing)

Special Round Table “Masayoshi Ohira’s Diplomacy for China and East Asian”

Moderator: Tetsushi Takahashi (Nikkei Inc.)

Keynote Speech: Masaya Inoue (Keio University)

Panelists: Mie Oba (Kanagawa University), Sotaro Suzuki (Nikkei Inc.), Yuta Yokoyama (Graduate School, University of Tokyo), Xianfen Xu (Hiroshima City University)

(E11 Lecture Room, DRI building, Kagawa University)

15:10-18:10 Plenary Session

“Reexamining ‘Overseas Chinese’ and ‘Chinese Nationals’ through the Lens of Immigration and Border Control: Case Studies of Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan”

Chair: Shohei Yao (Notre Dame Seishin University)

Presentation1: Yohei Mochida (Kanagawa University)
“Development of the Colonial Police Organization and Its Surveillance System in Singapore in the First Half of the 20th Century: Focusing on the Linkage with the Development of the Overseas Chinese Economy”

Presentation2: Hiroshi Murai (Kanagawa University)
“Immigration Control and the Fate of ‘Illegal Immigrants’ in 1950s Hong Kong”

Presentation3: Yuki Tsuruzono (Kagawa University)
“The Emergence of ‘Displaced Chinese’: A Tentative Analysis on the Politics of International Migration in Post-War East Asia”

Discussant: Nobuto Yamamoto (Keio University), Tomoyoshi Doi (Meiji Gakuin University), Toru Kurata (Rikkyo University)

The 70th anniversary